Great ARtists Series
We will delve into some of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous inventions, exploring their significance and lasting impact on our world.
This invention showcased his keen interest in meteorology and his desire to understand the natural forces at work in the world around him.
Anemometer By Leonardo da Vinci
His concepts and principles influenced subsequent inventors, ultimately leading to the invention of the airplane.
Flying Machine By Leonardo da Vinci
Another groundbreaking invention of da Vinci was the helicopter, or what he referred to as the “aerial screw.”
Helicopter (Aerial Screw) By Leonardo da Vinci
The parachute is yet another remarkable invention attributed to da Vinci. His design featured a pyramid-shaped frame covered with cloth and a harness for the person using it.
Parachute By Leonardo da Vinci
This invention demonstrated his understanding of military tactics and innovations in weaponry, setting the stage for advancements in artillery technology.
33-Barreled Organ By Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci's giant crossbow design aimed to create a more powerful and effective weapon for warfare.
Giant Crossbow By Leonardo da Vinci
Da Vinci's clock design was a testament to his mastery of both art and engineering.
Clock By Leonardo da Vinci
His design focused on creating a harmonious and functional cityscape, incorporating geometric layouts, green spaces, and efficient transportation systems.
Ideal City By Leonardo da Vinci