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  • What Are The Characteristics Of Mannerism Art?

    What Are The Characteristics Of Mannerism Art?

    Mannerism is an art movement that started in Italy right after the Renaissance. It was an art movement that was filled with unique characteristics. Mannerism was an art movement filled with elongated bodies, tiny heads, and human figures in twisted forms. Perspective and proportion were unnecessary, but colors, contrasts, virtuosity, and agitated composition were essential…

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  • How Did Mannerism Become An Offshoot Of The Works Of The Renaissance?

    How Did Mannerism Become An Offshoot Of The Works Of The Renaissance?

    Mannerism art is the short art movement sandwiched between the Renaissance and Baroque; it was a different art movement from the Renaissance. Mannerism is the art movement that emerged after the High Renaissance era. Mannerism art is an offshoot of the Renaissance; Renaissance artist as Michelangelo and Raphael adopted mannerism techniques in their art. Mannerism…

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  • Artemisia Gentileschi’s Use Of Directional Lines In Her Paintings

    Artemisia Gentileschi’s Use Of Directional Lines In Her Paintings

    Artemisia Gentileschi understood the power of what directional lines could do to create a focal point for her paintings. She knew that our eyes would focus at the pivotal point by using the principles of directional lines and contrasting colors. Artemisia Gentileschi’s painting Judith Decapitates Holofernes is a masterwork of art about using directional lines…

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  • Claude Monet And The Rise Of Japonisme

    Claude Monet And The Rise Of Japonisme

    In the late 19th century, many Impressionism artists in Europe had a deep interest in Japanese art. One Impressionism artist who was inspired by Japanese art was Claude Monet. Japan opened its doors to the Western world for trade in 1853, and with that came a flood of Japanese art, artifacts, and textiles to Europe.…

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  • How Is Renaissance Art Different From Medieval Art?

    How Is Renaissance Art Different From Medieval Art?

    Renaissance art and medieval art are two very different types of art movements. They are both essential art movements for their periods. Medieval art was art that was created in the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages, art was mainly religious and was concerned with conveying Christian beliefs and values to the population. Renaissance art…

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  • Who Is The Most Underrated Renaissance Artist?

    Who Is The Most Underrated Renaissance Artist?

    The Renaissance was a significant era of art, which also included a lot of intrigue and competition among many of the top Renaissance artists. In this competition, some great artists got lost or fell by the wayside. Sebastiano del Piombo was an extremely talented Italian high renaissance painter who showed us his pure gift and…

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  • Impressionism And The Influence Of Japonisme

    Impressionism And The Influence Of Japonisme

    Impressionism is considered the first modern art movement. Even today, Impressionism remains the most famous art movement that people study, The word Japonisme was used to describe the influence of Japanese art on Impressionism art. The Impressionism artists would study Japanese art and then incorporate parts of the Japanese art techniques and inspiration into their…

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  • Michelangelo’s Method To Paint The Sistine Chapel Ceiling

    Michelangelo’s Method To Paint The Sistine Chapel Ceiling

    When most people think about Michelangelo, they think about his statue of David and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Artists are in awe of his ability to paint such a magnificent work of art on a ceiling. Michelangelo used the fresco method to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling. The fresco method is when you…

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  • Michelangelo Sistine Chapel And His Payment

    Michelangelo Sistine Chapel And His Payment

    Michelangelo was a master artist during the Renaissance era. Many people also see him as one of the great artistic masters who did not receive all that was due to him for the payment for his work. Michelangelo was paid 3200 gold ducats for his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which would…

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