Tag: Traits of Successful Artists

  • How Do Art Museums Choose What To Exhibit?

    How Do Art Museums Choose What To Exhibit?

    As an art museum lover, I am always amazed at how art museums can choose such unique works of art to exhibit. I realize it is probably not as easy as they make it look. Art museums choose what they want to exhibit because of costs, budget, and space restraints. They want to show art…

  • 11 Ways To Become A Successful Artist Without Social Media

    11 Ways To Become A Successful Artist Without Social Media

    We live in a world filled with social media and the Internet. Yet, many people are tired of social media or do not like social media platforms. Many artists ask themselves if they can be successful without being on social media. As an artist, if you do not want to be on social media, you…

  • 9 Traits That Are Important for Any Artist to Acquire.

    9 Traits That Are Important for Any Artist to Acquire.

    Being an artist and running an art business is similar to being an entrepreneur. An artist must develop the same traits as many successful business people, but besides those traits, there are additional traits that are important for any artist to have and acquire. Some of the traits that any artist should try to acquire…